Payment Methods:
Delivery within Tashkent:
For orders up to 200,000 UZS, the delivery fee is 30,000 UZS.
Express delivery within Tashkent via YandexTaxi is available for all orders at a cost of 40,000 UZS.
Express delivery is carried out within 2 hours after payment. During sale periods, express delivery is unavailable.
Standard delivery takes up to 2 days (3 days during sale periods).
Order Pickup:
You can choose to pick up your order from our branch.
Your order will be prepared and waiting for you at the branch.
If necessary, we can transfer the product from another branch for your convenience. This process will take 1-2 business days.
We will notify you when the item has been transferred and is available for pickup at your selected branch.
The pickup option is unavailable during sale periods.
Regional Delivery in Uzbekistan:
Regional delivery within Uzbekistan is carried out according to Fargo rates. Delivery takes 3-4 days.
If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact our support team. We are always ready to assist you with any inquiries related to payment, delivery, or pickup.